Welcome to our Research Lab

Research Interest
  • Data mining and machine learning
  • Responsible AI/ML
  • Interpretable methods
  • Climate Change Resilience
  • Health Intelligence

Long Nguyen, Ph.D.

Dr. Nguyen obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Texas Tech University, United States. He had worked over 15 years in software industry in different countries before turning to academia career. He has a great interest in data mining and machine learning especially with applications in Climate Change Resilience and Health Intelligence.

Lab's Research

Our broad research interest is in data mining and machine learning with application in climate change resilience and health intelligence. Some specific areas are including but not limited to computer vision, natural language processing, time-series analysis and anomaly detection. We enjoy advancing AI techniques for climate change resilience, healthcare, with special attention to interpretable methods, ethical AI/ML, fairness-aware, privacy-preserving integration to make the predictive models RESPONSIBLE and improve its accountability. Potential applications are developing models and algorithms that incorporate community knowledge for disaster event causality, strategic planning, or preventive healthcare like early detection and monitoring of patient health.


Welcome to the home page of CHANCE - Climate cHange & heAlth intelligeNCE Lab. Welcome to join us!

News: We have research openings for PhD and Master students.

There are scholarship opportunities for those who work hard and show great potential. Here, you will have great experience to learn cutting-edge Machine Learning and Data Mining skills with applications in climate change resilience and health intelligence. To join us, please don't hesitate to send your CV to hlnguyen[at]mmc[dot]edu and share your motivation in seeking research opportunity in the email.

Team Members

PhD Students
I am seeking hard-working and motivated students. You will need to be admitted to the PhD program first. For international students, you will need IELTS 6.5 or equivalent, GRE (V+Q) >= 300

Master Students
Cyruss Tsurgeon
Andrea Hannah

Undergraduate Students
Kayla Hawthorne
Malia Jennings

Alumni - Students with RA Support
Brittany City
Javeia Johnson-Mccoy
Fuxue Xin